Within my orthopedic manual therapy practice, I have found that when we become aware of and take responsibility for how we carry our bodies, we begin to heal naturally and our pain melts away. The teachings of Paul Kelly resonate with me because of his focus on postural awareness and the brain-body connection. My […]
Posts tagged pittsburgh massage
Graded Exposure
To help change the brain’s mind about pain through touch, we progressively introduce movements into the painful barrier in a way that makes them less painful. HOW DOES IT WORK? 📍 Contract-relax techniques can make the nervous system less threatened by the movement … even if muscles aren’t permanently lengthening, trigger points aren’t […]
Pain in the Neck
As you can see from this picture, the occipital muscles run in multiple directions allowing the head to have that bobble-head movement. Symptoms caused by neck dysfunction can express themselves as a combination of headaches, dizziness, pain, or limited range of motion. Several recent clients expressed similar symptoms, each one slightly different from […]
Open the Front Line
Feeling tension in your neck and upper shoulders? Then give this a try … to open the front line and to strengthen the mid back … which ultimately improves posture. Begin lying on your stomach with your arms comfortably at your sides. While keeping your arms straight, lift your shoulders and arms up […]