I can help! Here’s how … As the client slowly engages the pelvis through cat-cow movements, I apply controlled gliding strokes across the erector spinea group of muscles to release the spasm. MYOSKELETAL ALIGNMENT TECHNIQUES are effective because the client’s brain is communicating with the muscles telling them that it is now safe to […]
Posts tagged myoskeletal alignment
History of Sprained Ankles That Haven...
A client who loves hiking has a history of a broken right calcaneus (heel) and sprained ankle. She feels pain in the lateral dorsal (top) portion of her foot leading up to the knee and hip, especially when walking down hill and for several days after a hike. During our session, she actively participated […]
Life of Abundance
WOW! What an incredible year! As I reflect upon 2019, I realize the abundant life that I live, and I am grateful for all of my amazing clients who support me as a small business owner. THANK YOU! This past year, I traveled to Houston and to Oklahoma City for in-classroom orthopedic massage training with […]