WOW … ANOTHER INCREDIBLE YEAR! One year ago, I knew that I needed to find a new location for my office and I feared having to compromise on my needs and wishes. I drove up and down Route 19 checking out various types of office settings, from deserted shared office space to house basements converted […]
Posts tagged 412
Another step toward pain free living
Within my orthopedic manual therapy practice, I have found that when we become aware of and take responsibility for how we carry our bodies, we begin to heal naturally and our pain melts away. The teachings of Paul Kelly resonate with me because of his focus on postural awareness and the brain-body connection. My […]
Graded Exposure
To help change the brain’s mind about pain through touch, we progressively introduce movements into the painful barrier in a way that makes them less painful. HOW DOES IT WORK? 📍 Contract-relax techniques can make the nervous system less threatened by the movement … even if muscles aren’t permanently lengthening, trigger points aren’t […]
Do You Experience Back Pain?
I can help! Here’s how … As the client slowly engages the pelvis through cat-cow movements, I apply controlled gliding strokes across the erector spinea group of muscles to release the spasm. MYOSKELETAL ALIGNMENT TECHNIQUES are effective because the client’s brain is communicating with the muscles telling them that it is now safe to […]
Pain Between the Shoulder Blades
When was the last time you saw a person walking around with their arms wrapped behind their back? And you thought to yourself, “man, look at those tight rhomboids!” STOP ALLOWING YOUR MASSAGE THERAPIST TO DIG THEIR ELBOWS IN BETWEEN YOUR SHOULDER BLADES TO WORK OUT THOSE “TRIGGER POINTS’!!! It’s not helping, but only […]
History of Sprained Ankles That Haven...
A client who loves hiking has a history of a broken right calcaneus (heel) and sprained ankle. She feels pain in the lateral dorsal (top) portion of her foot leading up to the knee and hip, especially when walking down hill and for several days after a hike. During our session, she actively participated […]