My Philosophy … Focused. Grounded. Balanced.
Blessed is the man whose delight is in the law of the LORD. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. ~ Psalms 1:1-3
At Collective Balance, Denise doesn’t just massage you and send you on your merry way. She helps you to understand WHY your body feels the way it feels. She offers guidance, education, and resources, and has found that by combining neurologically-based manual therapy with wholesome nutrition, mineral supplementation, consistent movement, and positive mindfulness, we can collectively bring balance to our bodies.
Denise has worked with hundreds of clients who experience the following conditions and symptoms:
- Dysfunction of Neck, Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Feet
- Pain, Numbness, Tingling
- Limited Range of Motion
- Headaches / TMJ
- Frozen Shoulder / Rotator Cuff / Shoulder Impingement
- Carpal Tunnel / Trigger Fingers
- Sciatica / Sacral Iliac Joint
- Plantar Fasciaitis / Bunions
Denise integrates a combination of hands-on Myoskeletal Alignment Therapy techniques into each personalized session based on the assessment of immobile joints and imbalanced muscles. These techniques circulate a fresh supply of blood and oxygen to repair and restore soft tissue within the muscles, fascia, and joints, thereby increasing flexibility and range of motion. Throughout the session, clients are encouraged to provide verbal feedback and actively participate in the techniques, both of which aid in awakening the mind-body connection. She has found that the most effective techniques are those in which the client’s brain activates muscles to enhance joint mobility. Her hand placement is determined by the direction in which the joints glide.
In addition to treatments on the therapy table, she offers PhysioKinetix training which stabilizes the core while enhancing mobility of the extremities. These strengthening techniques enhance the experience as the client becomes aware of postural habits, creates lifestyle changes, and learns how to mitigate (and ultimately eliminate) the pain. After a series of sessions, the client has learned a variety of techniques to use on a daily basis when they feel an imbalance in their bodies.